Thursday, 23 January 2014

Puppy love....

OK... I am in love.

With my gorgeous girl... Ottie.

Happy to travel to the shops in her cage,

Enjoying a bit of playtime on the newly sealed flagstone floor in the Bastle

14 weeks now and still wriggly, chewy but adorable.

 Sleeping through the night and asking to go out for nature calls. Short walks down country lanes and visits to the village to meet "people" are a daily activity she enjoys. 

However, I just can't get anything I am always watching her.... 

Until of course she crashes out in her bed,

Or.... On the sofa!

It's a hard life being a pup.

And to top it all, I think I am going soft in the head,

50p in a charity shop the other day I bought her dopelganger,

Mmmm...definitely soft!

Julie x


  1. Oh, she is just so cute!
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  2. It's Black....Lab...Fever....Don't try to fight it....Just let it be

  3. Julie she is gorgeous please take advice from my son with experience of Marley his gorgeous lab. Careful of expensive fitted wooden blinds to French doors and walls apparently they are considered to be delicious by M!!

  4. Oh, what a little darling! I've always had rather a soft spot for black labs, they have such lovely happy natures.Jane xx

  5. lab love for sure ♥
    ottie is adorable!
    we've been blessed to share our lives with 3 black Labrador retrievers, all older adoptees ( 3 1/2, 11, and 2 1/2) so have never had a puppy. will stop by again to see how ottie is doing ♥

  6. Cela me rappelle le mien il y a quelques années ...
    C'est si mignon !
    On se laisse attendrir par cette jolie boule de poils.

    Amitiés !
    Belle journée!


    1. merci beaucoup, c'est vrai qu'elle est chouette
