Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Cat call...

Not to be outdone by the arrival of Miss Ottie to Northumberland... Monsieur Oscar from Paris has sent me some poses to show everyone how handsome he still is.

This is the cat that deliberately sits on the neighbour's window annoying the hell out of the dog inside ....and the same cat that sneaks into another neighbour's window with muddy paws and curls up on his white sofa....

Amazingly they still love him.

And who wouldn't?

Partaking of a light supper in the evening..

He is a great companion for my daughter, with a marvellous character and like all cats....has his own life rules.

Which as you can imagine are religiously obeyed by all around him.

Julie x

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Catch the pigeon....

When I go to Grandma's house, she feeds the birds... Cutey little ones who eat seeds from feeders and from a huge fat ball which incidentally I don't like... In fact, I bark at it because it looks like a head swinging on a rope!

Anyhoo...she sometimes throws the crusts from white bread on the lawn and it's not long before those stupid pigeons descend...whoopee... playtime.

I sit patiently in her conservatory and watch....and wait.

Then, the cheeky so and so comes up a bit too close... 

So close in fact,  I am sure I could catch it if this window wasn't in the way.

Of course, by the time I have gone round to the back door the little blighters have taken off ...
 But one day, mark my words  I will get one!

You think I'm a cute little puppy Mr Pigeon,

But check out my new, big girl's teeth that are coming through...caught on camera last night as I snoozed on the sofa.

Love Miss Ottie x