Monday, 18 July 2011

Buttons and .....

I was pleased to purchase some lovely linen covered buttons, unused and clean along with some pretty mother of pearl ones for sewing projects.

It always seems a shame to take them off their card as they are so decorative in their regimental  rows.

Even the odd dirty linen button from a button box is kept, as I always find a use for them, especially when making things with old fabric...they seem to add a little authenticity.....

I also bought these self covered buttons and thought it might be something different for finishing my cushions, boots and hearts. 

I can tell you, the title.... "self covered skill required etc"  is totally misleading.

They are a pig to do!

Trying to tuck the piece of fabric over the button whilst securing the back is no mean feat.....

However, I persevered and using the big ones, a piece of old toile fabric that was too small for any real use and an egg cup as a template for the circle ..... I eventually got the hang of it.

So now I have pretty toile buttons for my cushions or maybe even to transform a jacket or there's a thought....

 Do you remember this from the last post?

Well it is one of these......

 Taken this fine Summer morning in Northumberland.....brooding skies... threatening rain....

I always thought they were decorative, but I am reliably informed they are lightning conductors for old electricity poles.

Well done Cathy from obviously knew exactly what it was and thank you to all the other lovely people who had a guess too!

Regardless of its real function, I think it is quite decorative in an architectural way, so I may leave it on the covered porch table to confuse visitors for now.

(Oh and in case you thought I had been up a ladder to acquire one...sorry no...)

Hope you all have a lovely week dodging those showers....

Julie x


  1. Your'e so right Julie those covered buttons are an absolute nightmare to do, I always catch my fingers on the little teeth as I'm folding over the fabric and then I have a terrible job sewing them onto cushions or whatever I am using them for!! That rain looks very familiar...I am turfing the Pugs outside in between showers so that I can do housework! Have a lovely day.
    Jo xx

  2. Actually, I hadn't realised that the topping for the telephone poles were lightning conductors, I thought the same as you: that they were purely decorative. We acquired one a few years ago from a neighbour but can still see them in use around us as we are semi rural. Love your collection of buttons. I have a particular liking for old fabric covered buttons, the grungier the better!

  3. I love your covered buttons and agree in how they are finicky to cover without causing a crease etc.
    Thanks for satisfying my curiosity on the lightening deflector

  4. What a fantastic find your linen buttons are, especially as they are still carded. I am green with envy! Love the toile ones you have made too. M x

  5. Hi Julie
    If and when you decide to sell the conductor, PLEASE let me know, I collect galvanised metal, strange decorative objects & finials, so this would fit the bill.
    Lovely toile buttons.
    T x

  6. We have a similar finial on the top of our house to act as a lighting conductor- if it disappears I'll know Tracey has been to visit!

    I also love linen buttons and buy them to use...and NEVER can bring myself to cut them from their cards


  7. I'm so impressed by the button covers. Far beyond my needleworking skills! I bought a huge bag of buttons a few months ago... and I'm still trying to decide what best to do with them! Jane x

  8. I have always had a thing for buttons and have quite a few pearl ones but have yet to come across linen ones, sounds lovely.

    I will be looking out for those electricity pole things now :) x

  9. You are sooooooooh clever!!

  10. Thank you for your blog comment. Love this posting. Funnily enough i have often looked at similar metal items at the top of poles & thought how decorative they are! Lizzie x

  11. I would never have guessed what that was. Yes, those self covered button kits are fiddly. I love the old linen buttons but can never take them off a full card, just can't! Is that sad?

  12. Just had a lovely catch up of your recent blogposts with a cup of Rose tea - v therapeutic it was too with so many gorgeous items to peruse, those lace collars and bonnets are lovely and your toile buttons are sweet! X

  13. Your British lightning rod is exquisite! I have one, green, Australian insulator. I think it's quite easy to amass a roomful of them, but stopped at this one.

    You are so correct, Julie, about the self-covering buttons! I tried in high school home-ec, and some very bad words emitted soon after.

    I took all of my vintage buttons (most from mom), and strung them on a wire. It drapes wherever it wants, given the mood.


  14. Hi Julie your pearl and linen buttons are fab and the toile ones are gorgeous, love the little faces! They are a nightmare to do, especially if you want the design in a specific place. I have a picture I must send you (if you don't have it already) of a card of buttons used as a napkin ring, it's really lovely. Love Linda x

  15. I'm totally buttoned-up with this post! Because I love old buttons! Wonderful to have such a collection.
